This course will get you started on the basics of the Sanskrit alphabet, reading & pronunciation, to start recognising, identifying and experiencing sounds to enhance your chanting, meditation and spiritual practices. Our continuation course will develop this into sound combining to move us forward with our reading and chanting of prayers & invocations. These fun and friendly groups include tips & techniques, plenty of time to ask questions & practise, guided meditations and chanting in a supportive space.DURATION: 6 weeks, online via zoom.DATES: Mondays 19th, 26th June and 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th July 2023TIME: 7.30 – approx 8.45/9pm UK time, GMT YOUR INVESTMENT: by donation (suggested donation £60 – £90)IN ADDITION, FOR HOMEWORK SUPPORT EXERCISES, YOU’LL NEED TO PURCHASE: Sanskrit is Fun, parts I & II by Warwick Jessup & Elena Jessup (we will need part III for our continuation course). Available at Amazon and at: prior experience or knowledge of Sanskrit, Meditation, Chanting or Sound Healing required.Email me at if you have any questions or would like to book your place.Love Papu Papu also hosts a free monthly online social chanting group:~ Divine Names Chanting & Satsang – Sundays 7.30pm UK timePlease email for more info or book your place for these events.